Concrete Repair and Maintenance for Dams: On-Demand
Speaker: Kurt F. von Fay
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
This course will provide an overview of the best methods and materials for concrete repair and maintenance. It will include a description of a systematic process to follow to achieve best results and will include information from recent industry wide research efforts to ensure long lasting durable repairs.
Five Learning Objectives of This Course:
• How to conduct a thorough condition assessment.
• Understanding the most common types of concrete damage.
• Selecting the correct material for the repair.
• Understanding proper substrate prepatation.
• How to repair leaks and cracks.

Kurt F. Von Fay
Retired, Bureau of Reclamation
Kurt F. Von Fay was a Civil Engineer with the Concrete and Concrete Repair group in the Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado, and has a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Denver. He has over 25 years’ experience in concrete technology, concrete maintenance and repair, and chemical grouting. Prior to retiring, he was Reclamations Concrete Repair Expert and worked in research, development, and field evaluation of concrete repair technology, and developed concrete repair plans. He also provided technical evaluations of numerous concrete repair projects throughout the western US. He has authored and co-authored over 30 papers and reports on concrete and concrete repair. He recently completed writing the 2nd edition of Reclamation’s Guide to Concrete Repair and won Reclamation’s Research Project of the Year for 2017. He is a past member of ACI, ICRI, and ACI’s SDC.
- Introduction to Webinar and Objectives
- Concrete Maintenance and Repair Process
- Seven Steps to follow to improve long term function of repair
- Typical Causes of Concrete Damage to Hydraulic Structures
- Poor quality concrete, freeze thaw damage, ASR, abrasion, cavitation, etc.
- Methods to determine cause(s) of damage
- Important for selecting best repair method
- Methods to determine extent of damage
- Important for proper planning and budgeting
- Maintenance in lieu of repairs?
- Typical maintenance to increase service life/delay repairs
- Typical concrete repair methods
- 15 Standard methods
- How to prepare concrete for repair
- Applying the repair material properly
- Curing the repair
- Using this process for crack repair and water leaks
- Causes for cracks, typical methods used for repair
- Examples will be presented throughout the webinar describing different repair cases
- Questions/Discussion