Hydrology 201 for Dam Safety: On-Demand
Speaker: Arthur C. Miller, Ph.D., DWRE, Distinguished Professor Emeritus
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
The Hydrology 201 webinar consists of four one-half hour segments. The first segment is a brief review of Hydrology 101 emphasizing some of the important hydrologic issues. The second segment will concentrate on the NRCS procedures to determine the loss rate function and the dimensionless unit hydrograph as it is utilized to transform excess rainfall into runoff. Different methods of determining time of concentration and lag time will be covered in this session. The third segment will be a brief introduction to the US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Center’s computer model HEC-HMS, and the last segment will be an application of the NRCS procedures to a small watershed utilizing the HEC-HMS model.
Arthur C. Miller, Ph.D., DWRE
Dr. Miller is a nationally recognized expert in hydrology, hydraulic engineering, dam safety, and water resource management. His over 40 years of experience includes research, consulting, and publishing in hydrology, hydraulics, floodplain delineation, dam safety, bridge scour, river mechanics, sediment transport, and impacts of climate change. He is renowned for his expertise in numerical modeling of open channel flow, unsteady flow, hydraulic design techniques for dams, bridges and culverts; river mechanics; and sediment transport. Dr. Miller teaches courses throughout the country on topics ranging from fundamental hydraulics to open channel flow to hydrologic processes.