Lessons Learned Regarding Seismic Deformation Analyses of Embankment Dams from Re-Evaluation of the Upper and Lower San Fernando Dams Performance Case Histories: On-Demand
Speakers: Raymond Seed, P.E., Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley; and Khaled Chowdhury, PhD, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, USACE and UC Berkeley
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
Analyses of expected seismic performance of earthen dams subject to potential liquefaction hazard are routinely performed for high hazard dams. The State of Practice has increasingly evolved from simplified methods to the use of fully-coupled seismic pore pressure generation and nonlinear seismic deformation analyses (NDA) using either finite difference or finite element analysis frameworks. To evaluate the accuracy and reliability of these NDA methods, the Upper and Lower San Fernando Dams field performance case histories from the 1971 San Fernando earthquake were re-analyzed in these current studies by means of fully nonlinear seismic deformation analyses, using (1) a suite of four analytical models, (2) a suite of three cyclic pore pressure generation relationships, and (3) a suite of three post-liquefaction residual strength relationships. The results of these analyses have shown that a successful implementation of non-linear deformation analyses would involve (1) how cyclic pore pressure generation and liquefaction triggering is accounted for in different constitutive modeling approaches, (2) treatment of critical state and dilatant behaviors in soils during shaking, (3) evaluation and implementation of post-liquefaction residual strength (Sr), (4) modeling of potential strain softening of the non-liquefiable (e.g. clayey) soil layers, (5) continuation of the analyses through post-shaking conditions, (6) dealing with numerical difficulties associated with very large embankment displacements within the continuum analysis framework, and (7) suitable engineering assessment and interpretation of the analytical results. Failure to suitably accomplish any of these can result in potentially misleading and/or potentially unconservative findings. When these are suitably accomplished, seismic deformation analyses were found to be capable of producing excellent engineering insights and a good basis for engineering decision-making and/or mitigation design.
Key Takeaways:
- Seismic nonlinear deformation analyses using numerical modeling can provide useful and reliable engineering results.
- Accomplishing reliable results requires attention to a number of characterizations, modeling, and analysis details.
- Modeling of non-liquefiable layers should also incorporate strain softening effects in earthquake and post-earthquake analyses.
- Selection of appropriate combinations of liquefaction triggering, post-liquefaction strengths, and constitutive models is important to achieve reliable engineering results.
- The common continuum analysis framework (e.g. FLAC) also has intrinsic limitations, and suitable engineering interpretation is also needed.

Professor Raymond Seed, P.E., Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Retired)
University of California at Berkeley
Professor Seed earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. He taught at Stanford University for four years and then moved to UC Berkeley where he had a teaching and research career for 30 years. His research has had a significant impact on geotechnical practice in a number of areas, including analysis of soil liquefaction potential and post-liquefaction behaviors; analysis of reinforced soil systems and deep braced excavations; effects of site conditions on seismic site response; finite element analysis of static and seismic soil-structure interaction; and static and seismic stability evaluation and mitigation for dams, levees, hazardous waste landfills, and others. Professor Seed has led geo-forensic investigations of multiple earthquake and flood events and other failures. The lessons learned from these investigations have contributed to fundamental improvements in the State of Practice, as well as policy in geotechnical engineering.

Khaled Chowdhury, Ph.D., P.E., G.E.
Headquarters National Earthquake Program Policy Advisor and Senior Geotechnical Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Dr. Khaled Chowdhury is a Senior Geotechnical Engineer at the USACE South Pacific Division Dam Safety Production Center in Sacramento, California and the USACE Headquarters National Earthquake Program Policy Advisor. Khaled has over 22 years of experience in evaluation, design, and construction of infrastructure projects. He currently provides technical leadership on several major dams and levees evaluation and design projects nationwide, addressing static and seismic potential failure modes. Khaled contributed or is currently contributing to development of several USACE and California DWR guidance and regulatory documents on dams and levees. Khaled earned his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley under supervision of Professor Raymond B. Seed. Khaled’s research and practice areas include site characterization, soil liquefaction, residual strength, seismic deformation analyses, seepage cutoff walls, and levee and dam design and construction and he has about 30 technical papers on these topics. Khaled is a member of seismic cadre of the USACE, which has been formed to evaluate seismic risk of USACE dams. Khaled is the lead instructor for USACE Prospect Course on seismic stability of embankment dams.
- 1. Significance of the Upper and Lower San Fernando Dam seismic performance case histories during the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake
- (a) Contributions to the national seismic dam safety programs still ongoing today
- (b) An excellent “test” of analytical tools: two similar dams, built with similar materials and methods, co-located, but with two very different performance outcomes (one dam with a liquefaction-induced upstream flow failure, and one dam with only limited to moderate deformations)
- 2. Analytical methods employed for back-analyses
- (a) Four different analytical models
- (b) Three different liquefaction triggering relationships
- (c) Three different post-liquefaction residual strength (Sr) relationships
- (d) Consistent set of analytical procedures and protocols for all analyses
- 3. Re-evaluation of input motions for the 1971 San Fernando earthquake based on modern understandings and state of practice, including near-field effects
- 4. Back-analyses of the Lower San Fernando Dam
- (a) Six different combinations of analytical models and relationships
- (b) Observed and analytical mechanisms of deformation and failure, and degree of matches between analytical results and observed field performance
- (c) Four successful back-analyses; excellent matches with observed field performance
- (d) Key lessons learned
- 5. Back-analyses of the Upper San Fernando Dam
- (a) Nine different combinations of analytical models and relationships
- (b) Observed and analytical mechanisms of deformation and failure, and degree of matches between analytical results and observed field performance
- (c) Six successful back-analyses; excellent matches with observed field performance
- (d) Key lessons learned
- 6. Overall lessons learned
- (a) Accuracy and reliability of fully nonlinear seismic deformation analyses
- (b) Key analytical and engineering issues and details that must be addressed for successful outcomes
- (c) Engineering interpretation and use of analysis results