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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND version of the July 12, 2016 live webinar. This webinar will present the results of 2-D and 3-D numerical evaluations of seepage conditions around a developing piping defect
This webinar will present the results of 2-D and 3-D numerical evaluations of seepage conditions around a developing piping defect. An updated model similar to the first 3-D numerical model performed at the University of Florida beginning in about 1980 (Townsend, 1981) will be presented to illustrate the importance of 3-D influences on estimated seepage gradients, seepage flows and the evaluation of potential internal erosion potential failure modes. The updated numerical models were developed using the computer code SVFlux. One of the benefits of this program is an automatic remeshing routine that provides for more accurate estimation of seepage gradients in areas of seepage concentration such as at a discharge defect (influence on initiation processes), or as a pipe continues (progresses) in an upstream direction toward the reservoir or water source. A simplified method of estimating 3-D influences on gradients and flow quantities will be presented that will allow practitioners to evaluate a number of different shapes and sizes of dam and levees.
PDH's: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
Key takeaways from participating in this webinar include:
Importance of 3-D effects on assessment of seepage safety.
Better understanding of internal erosion and related potential failure modes.
Increased understanding of some of the history of seepage research.
Software for 2-D and 3D seepage evaluations.
Use of judgment in assessing seepage issues and risk assessment.Keith A. Ferguson, P.E.
National Practice Leader, Dams and Hydraulic Structures, HDR Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Ferguson is a senior dam safety and geotechnical engineer with over 35 years of experience in the assessment, design and construction of embankment, rockfill, and roller compacted concrete dams. Mr. Ferguson has previously been an instructor for a number of ASDSO training programs including Rehabilitation of Dams, and Stability Evaluation of Embankment and Concrete Dams, along with an advanced technical seminar on Seepage for Earth Dams. He holds both BS and MS degrees from the University of Colorado at Boulder with emphasis in geotechnical engineering, and is a registered professional engineer in 18 states.
Contains 1 Component(s)
The U.S. Levee Safety Coalition is pleased to announce the next in the 2018-2019 webinar series: “USACE 2018 Supplemental Funding”. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers received supplemental funding for disaster recovery projects as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018. Approximately $17.39 billion was provided for disaster recovery across the country.
The U.S. Levee Safety Coalition is pleased to announce the next in the 2018-2019 webinar series: “USACE 2018 Supplemental Funding”. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers received supplemental funding for disaster recovery projects as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018. Approximately $17.39 billion was provided for disaster recovery across the country. The funds will be used for both long- and short-term disaster recovery projects. The webinar, presented by the Ms. Yvonne Prettyman-Beck, USACE HQ National Program Manager, Emergency Disaster Supplemental Programs Integration Division (see Ms. Prettyman-Beck's bio), will provide an overview of the program, including allocation of funds across six appropriation accounts, implementation strategy, and schedule. Ms. Prettymn-Beck and her team will discuss (1) What projects are within the supplemental work, (2) How non-federal sponsors, AE community and construction contractors can support this work, and (3) Where the AE community and Contractors can get more information on specific projects and opportunities. Mr. Douglas Sims, Program Manager, Hurricane Harvey Support Team, SWD RIT, HQUSACE presented the January 30 webinar for Ms. Prettyman-Beck (see Mr. Sims' bio).
Contains 1 Component(s)
The USACE Levee Portfolio Report was recently released for public review. While the data is specific to USACE portfolio, information presented in the report and covered on the webinar is applicable to anyone designing, constructing, operating or managing levees.
The USACE Levee Portfolio Report was recently released for public review. While the data is specific to USACE portfolio, information presented in the report and covered on the webinar is applicable to anyone designing, constructing, operating or managing levees. The webinar is intended to highlight facts gathered from risk assessments of approximately 2,200 levee systems totaling 14,150 miles in length and provide a starting point for conversations at all levels of governance. We will discuss flood risks associated with levees in the USACE portfolio, relative importance of factors driving the risks, and the roles of USACE, other federal agencies, states, tribes, regional districts, and local communities in assessing, managing, and communicating levee-related flood risk. As a Nation, we know little about the condition or risks associated with levees outside the USACE portfolio. As such we do not have a true national look at the risks and benefits levees provide to the Nation. USACE is currently coordinating with states, tribes, local, regional and private levee owner-operators to conduct a one-time inspection and risk assessment for all levees in the United States. The webinar will provide an overview of the ongoing efforts and discuss how this information will be included in the National Levee Database.
Managing risks associated with levees in the United States will require diligence and cooperation among all levels of government, the private sector and the public. As progress toward the establishment of a National Levee Safety Program continues, the US Levee Safety Coalition webinars and the presentation of the USACE Levee Portfolio Report provide an opportunity to start this conversation.
This one-hour webinar will cover all eight sections of the Portfolio Report:
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: USACE Levee Portfolio Characteristics
- Section 3: The USACE Levee Safety Program Risk Framework
- Section 4: Risk Characterization of the USACE Levee Portfolio
- Section 5: Hazards: What and How Likely are they to Occur?
- Section 6: Levee Performance: Understanding Levee Components and Expected Performance
- Section 7: Consequence: Who and What are in Harm's Way?
- Section 8: Estimating the Cost of Addressing Levee-Related Risk in the USACE Portfolio
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND version of the November 14, 2017 live webinar. This course will address a variety of geologic issues in dam and levee design and safety engineering, with emphasis on the application of 3D geologic modeling and other technologies to enhance communication between the project geoscientists and the project engineers, regulators, and other stakeholders.
Speakers: Robert P. Cannon, P.G., Principal/Sr.Vice President; Gary D. Rogers, P.G., Senior Associate; Frederic Snider, P.G., Associate; and Guy-Justin Nuyda, GISP, Senior Staff Scientist, Schnabel Engineering
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
This course will address a variety of geologic issues in dam and levee design and safety engineering, with emphasis on the application of 3D geologic modeling and other technologies to enhance communication between the project geoscientists and the project engineers, regulators, and other stakeholders.
Takeaways from this course:
• The critical nature of the interaction between as-built dam and levee structures and natural geology and how this interaction has led to major dam failures and incidents.
• The challenges of effective communication between geoscientists, whose worlds consist of incomplete data, uncertainties, and assumptions, and engineers, whose worlds consist of precise calculations, known materials, and design handbooks.
• The value of a 3D geologic model that integrates available information to enhance and improve knowledge transfer from the geoscientists to project engineers, regulators, and other stakeholders.
• The exciting new technologies and tools available to geoscientists to increase efficiency and enhance the process of collecting, sharing, analyzing, visualizing, and digitally storing geologic data.
Robert P. Cannon, PG
Principal/Sr.Vice President, Schnabel Engineering
Robert Cannon is a registered Professional Geologist and a Principal with Schnabel Engineering. Robert brings more than 40 years of experience nationally and internationally in geologic site characterization, geologic hazard assessments, and forensic and remedial investigations for major dams, tunnels and other critical infrastructure projects. Robert currently serves on the Board of Directors for USSD and has also served on the expert Board of Consultants for several high-profile projects, including for the Mosul Dam in Iraq which suffers from rapid and continuous foundation dissolution due to gypsum and carbonate geology.
Gary D. Rogers, PG
Senior Associate, Schnabel Engineering
Gary Rogers is a registered Professional Geologist and a Senior Associate Scientist at Schnabel Engineering. Gary has over 30 years of technical and managerial experience in engineering geology, hydrogeology, and site characterization with a focus on dams, tunnels, and large infrastructure projects. He has led site exploration and characterization programs for numerous new and existing earthen and concrete dams throughout the continental US and Alaska, and continued his involvement on many of these projects through design and construction. Much of his focus is on effectively communicating geologic and subsurface conditions to design engineers and owners.
Frederic Snider, PG
Associate, Schnabel Engineering
Frederic Snider is a registered Professional Geologist and an Associate Scientist at Schnabel Engineering. Fred brings more than 40 years of experience in geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, site safety assessments, site characterization, and fault investigations for dams and other large engineering projects. Over his career, he has worked on large and complex dam projects throughout the US and overseas. Fred currently leads the 3D Geologic Modeling team within Schnabel’s Dam Engineering Group, focusing on the application of 3D modeling to address dam safety issues, potential failure modes, and risk assessments.
Guy-Justin Nuyda, GISP
Senior Staff Scientist
Guy-Justin Nuyda is a certified Geographic Information Systems Professional, and leads the GIS Systems team for Schnabel Engineering’s Dam Engineering Group. Guy has a PhD in Geography Cognitive Science. He is responsible for applying GIS tools to all aspects of dam engineering, including support of Schnabel’s 3D Geologic Modeling Projects. Guy is also responsible for integrating GIS with our existing 3-D CAD system to merge geospatial and engineering drawings into a true 3-D project information system.
Why is Geology Important on Dam and Levee Projects?- Prevention of Failures, Near-Failures, and Incidences
- Ensuring Adequate Design
- Limiting Construction Changes
- Minimizing Uncertainties during Construction and for the Future
- Teton Dam
- St. Francis Dam
- Vajont Dam, Italy Landslide
- Willard Bay Levee
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Geoscientist
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Engineer
- The Critical Need for Effective Communications and Collaboration
- What is a 3D Geologic Model? –Real Examples
- Value of a 3D Geologic Model - Why go to the trouble of creating one?
- Components of a Good 3D Geologic Model
- Constructing the 3D Model
- Hints, Tips and Pitfalls
- LiDAR, Drones, Laser Scanners, GPS
- Mobile Technologies – Smart Phones and Tablets
- Advances in 3D CAD and GIS
- All-in-one Apps and Software Tools for 3D Geologic Modeling
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND viewing of the March 13, 2018 live webinar. The purpose of this course is to provide a brief introduction into the science of concrete arch dams.
Speaker: Guy S. Lund, P.E., Principal Engineer, Gannett Fleming, Inc.
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
The purpose of this course is to provide a brief introduction into the science of concrete arch dams. The review will touch on design methods used in the past, but primarily focus on the methods used in the current state of the practice. A historical review of construction techniques will be discussed, and how that relates to evaluations and the physical behavior of the structures. The basic loads and loading conditions used for analysis will be explained, as well of techniques that can be used to validate analysis models.
Guy S. Lund, P.E.
Principal Engineer, Gannett Fleming, Inc.
Guy S. Lund has over 35 years of experience in dam safety, design, including hydraulic and structural design of spillways, outlet works, and appurtenant structures, comprehensive structural analyses of concrete dams (static and dynamic analyses utilizing both linear and non-linear methodologies), field investigations, and construction. Mr. Lund began his career with the Bureau of Reclamation, in the concrete dams, spillways and outlet works section where he worked as a design engineer on numerous spillways, water conveyance systems, and outlet works. For the past 30 years Mr. Lund has gained experience in the design, analysis, and evaluation of all types of mass concrete dams. He has focused on the understanding and evaluation of structural concrete dams, using both linear and non-linear finite element methods of analyses.
- 1)Arch Dams – Geometry & Basic Concepts
- 2)Construction Methods
- A)Horizontal Construction
- B)Vertical Block Construction
- C)Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC)
- 3)Methods of Analysis
- A)Old and True: Trial Load Methods
- B)Finite Element Analysis
- C)Others
- 4)Evaluation Tools
- A)Standard Evaluation Criteria
- i)U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- (1)Design of Arch Dams,
- (2)Engineering Monograph No. 19,
- (3)Engineering Monograph No. 34
- ii)U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
- (1)EM 1110-2-2201 Arch Dam Design
- iii)FERC
- (1)Chapter 11, Arch Dam Guidelines
- i)U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- B)Thermal Analysis
- i)Spreadsheets
- ii)Finite element analysis
- C)Linear vs. Nonlinear Analysis
- i)Linear typically assumes homogeneous, monolithic behavior
- ii)Nonlinear usually limited to structural, or geometric, nonlinearities such as joints, cracks. Most of the time material property is assumed to behavior linearly.
- D)Engineering Geology
- i)Stereonets useful to evaluate rock block stability
- A)Standard Evaluation Criteria
- 5)Performing the Analysis
- A)Model Development
- B)Static Loads
- i)Gravity
- ii)Temperatures
- iii)Reservoir, Sedimentation, Tailwater
- iv)Dynamic Loads
- (1)Hydrodynamic Interaction
- (2)Seismic ground motions
- 6)Potential Failure Modes
- A)Overstressing
- B)Stability
- i)Overturning is not evaluated
- ii)Sliding along Interface
- iii)Rock Block Stability
- iv)Overtopping and Erosion
- 7)Analysis Example
- A)Preparing the Model
- B)Thermal Analysis
- C)Static Analysis
- D)Dynamic Analysis
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND version of the June 10, 2014 live webinar. This training webinar is being taught in two parts: Part I – Introduction to PFMA and Part II – Application of PFMA in Dam Safety.
Speaker: Douglas D. Boyer, P.E., CEG, Chief, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
Failure mode evaluation, or what is now more commonly referred to as potential failure mode analysis (PFMA) for dam safety, has become routine practice for many in the profession. The process became more formally organized by the US Bureau of Reclamation in the early to mid 1990’s and gained wider industry exposure in the early 2000’s through the publication of FERC’s Engineering Guidelines, Chapter 14 – Dam Safety Performance Monitoring Program. The PFMA process systematically identifies, describes, and evaluates ways a dam and its appurtenances could fail under all postulated loading conditions. However, a PFMA is much more than an exercise to evaluate and document potential failure modes for a dam. At its fullest extent, a PFMA is a valuable tool which can be used to guide and inform dam safety personnel on where to focus dam safety observations and inspections, where to strategically perform an investigation or install instruments to monitor dam performance, and can be used as a first step in a risk analysis. The process and results of the PFMA can also help to identify and prioritize O&M deficiencies, identify the need for improved operational processes, and pinpoint training needs. PFMAs can benefit dam owners and regulators by providing a better understanding and appreciation of potential structural and operational weaknesses and operating procedures. Finally, they may also be used to better inform downstream emergency management personnel of the hazards posed by the dam, while also providing a better understanding of effective evacuation protocols.
Douglas D. Boyer, P.E., CEG
Chief, RIDM Branch
Mr. Douglas Boyer is a civil engineer and engineering geologist with 35 years of experience in dam engineering and dam safety. He currently serves as the Chief, Risk-Informed Decision Making Branch for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Prior to joining FERC in 2016, he held positions with the US Army Corps of Engineers Risk Management Center and Bureau of Reclamation in Denver. He also served as the Chief, Dam Safety Branch, Department of Water Resources for the State of Colorado. Prior to federal employment, he had nearly 15 years of consulting experience. Mr. Boyer has a Bachelor of Science degree in geological sciences and a Master of Science degree in civil engineering. Mr. Boyer is a licensed professional engineer, professional geologist, and certified engineering geologist.
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This course is intended to provide guidance on the proper selection and installation of waterstops for hydraulic structures.
Speakers: Joseph Kudritz, P.E., Water Resource Engineer, Michael Maker International, Inc.; and Brian Afek P.E.,Senior Civil Engineer, Michael Maker International, Inc.
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
This course is intended to provide guidance on the proper selection and installation of waterstops for hydraulic structures. This course will discuss the various types and applications of waterstops and discuss the necessary design constraints such as site constraints, joint types, head pressures, and concrete clearances and cover. The course will emphasize the need for thorough structure detailing to ensure proper clearances and placement location are specified. The use of 3-dimensional modeling techniques will be discussed as a visualization technique to better detail complex joints. Most deficiencies regarding waterstops occur with the installation of the waterstops. Therefore, this course will highlight proper and improper installation placements and welding techniques. The course will discuss the benefits of using manufacturer welded unions, having properly-trained waterstop installers, input from the waterstop manufacturer, and having trained inspectors.
Five Takeaways:
- Importance of proper joint design and waterstop selection, installation, and inspection for concrete water-retaining structures.
- Waterstop types for concrete structures (e.g. PVC, hydrophilic, retrofits,etc.).
- Waterstop selection based on joint type, head pressures, and clearances/cover.
- Waterstop detailing on construction documents and visualization techniques.
- Tips for waterstop installation including proper and improper waterstop placement.
Joseph Kudritz, P.E.
Michael Baker International, Inc., Water Resource Engineer
Mr. Kudritz is a water resources engineer with Michael Baker International, Inc. with 11 years of experience in dam rehabilitation design and construction. Over the course of his career, Mr. Kudritz has been involved in more than 20 dam rehabilitation projects and has been responsible for designing spillways, stilling basins, and control tower and outlet works. Mr. Kudritz has been involved on the design and detailing of concrete structures with an emphasis on waterstop placement and selection. Mr. Kudritz graduated from Geneva College with a B.S. in Civil Engineering.
Brian Afek, P.E.
Michael Baker International, Inc., Senior Civil Engineer
Mr. Afek is a senior civil engineer with Michael Baker International, Inc. He has over 12 years of professional experience specializing in dam inspection, dam analysis, design of dam rehabilitation components, and construction management for high hazard dams. He has served as the project manager for multiple dam rehabilitation projects throughout the state of Ohio. Mr. Afek graduated with a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Ohio State University and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.
- 1. Brief introduction of waterstops
- 2. Types of waterstops in hydraulic structure
- 3. Waterstop applications
- 4. Waterstop selection criteria
- a. Design head
- b. Joint type
- c. Structure element sizes
- d. Expected movement
- e. One waterstop profile
- 5. Design approach for complex structures
- a. Detailing/layout of waterstops
- b. Dual waterstop approach
- c. 3D modeling benefits
- 6. Waterstop handling, storage, and protection
- 7. Waterstop installation and welding best practices
- a. Waterstop welding training by manufacturer
- b. Weld inspection
- c. Manufacturer‐welded unions required (butt‐welds only)
- 8. Waterstop Inspection
- 9. Waterstop repair
- 10. Dam safety perspective
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND version of the April 14, 2020 live webinar. This course will provide an overview of the best methods and materials for concrete repair and maintenance.
Speaker: Kurt F. von Fay
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
This course will provide an overview of the best methods and materials for concrete repair and maintenance. It will include a description of a systematic process to follow to achieve best results and will include information from recent industry wide research efforts to ensure long lasting durable repairs.
Five Learning Objectives of This Course:
• How to conduct a thorough condition assessment.
• Understanding the most common types of concrete damage.
• Selecting the correct material for the repair.
• Understanding proper substrate prepatation.
• How to repair leaks and cracks.
Kurt F. Von Fay
Retired, Bureau of Reclamation
Kurt F. Von Fay was a Civil Engineer with the Concrete and Concrete Repair group in the Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado, and has a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Denver. He has over 25 years’ experience in concrete technology, concrete maintenance and repair, and chemical grouting. Prior to retiring, he was Reclamations Concrete Repair Expert and worked in research, development, and field evaluation of concrete repair technology, and developed concrete repair plans. He also provided technical evaluations of numerous concrete repair projects throughout the western US. He has authored and co-authored over 30 papers and reports on concrete and concrete repair. He recently completed writing the 2nd edition of Reclamation’s Guide to Concrete Repair and won Reclamation’s Research Project of the Year for 2017. He is a past member of ACI, ICRI, and ACI’s SDC.
- Introduction to Webinar and Objectives
- Concrete Maintenance and Repair Process
- Seven Steps to follow to improve long term function of repair
- Typical Causes of Concrete Damage to Hydraulic Structures
- Poor quality concrete, freeze thaw damage, ASR, abrasion, cavitation, etc.
- Methods to determine cause(s) of damage
- Important for selecting best repair method
- Methods to determine extent of damage
- Important for proper planning and budgeting
- Maintenance in lieu of repairs?
- Typical maintenance to increase service life/delay repairs
- Typical concrete repair methods
- 15 Standard methods
- How to prepare concrete for repair
- Applying the repair material properly
- Curing the repair
- Using this process for crack repair and water leaks
- Causes for cracks, typical methods used for repair
- Examples will be presented throughout the webinar describing different repair cases
- Questions/Discussion
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND version of the June 14, 2016 live webinar. This course will present some of the common conditions that can lead to adverse geostatic stress conditions, cracking, and hydraulic fracturing in embankments.
Speaker: Deborah J. Miller, Ph.D., P.E., Miller Geotechnical Consultants
PDHs: This webinar is eligible for 2 PDH credits.
Cracks are likely to develop in most embankment dams and levees, and not just in those that are poorly constructed. This course will present some of the common conditions that can lead to adverse geostatic stress conditions, cracking, and hydraulic fracturing in embankments. Case histories are used to illustrate various crack-forming mechanisms and potential failure modes associated with embankment cracking. The need for caution when considering drilling in the core of a dam is discussed. The course will review practical design measures that can be implemented to defend against internal erosion that is associated with the inevitable formation of cracks in dams and levees.
Key takeaways:
Increased awareness of common conditions that lead to unfavorable stresses in embankments.
Better understanding of crack-forming mechanisms associated with differential deformations and with hydraulic fracturing.
Need for caution when drilling in the cores of dams.
Design measures to minimize risk of hydraulic fracturing and to protect against internal erosion.
Construction considerations to minimize risk of cracking in dams and levees.Deborah J. Miller, Ph.D., P.E.
Miller Geotechnical Consultants
Debora J. Miller, Ph.D., P.E. has 30 years of experience in engineering consulting and university research and teaching. She specializes in geotechnical engineering and design of embankment dams, and is the engineer-of-record for design of new dams, dam enlargements, and dam rehabilitation projects mostly in the Rocky Mountain and southwestern regions of the U.S. She has served as the project manager and in a supervisory design role on dam projects situated in a variety of geologic settings and challenging site conditions. Her role on most projects is as the lead geotechnical designer, responsible for geologic/geotechnical site investigations; evaluation and treatment of foundations in both rock and unconsolidated materials; characterization and use of on-site and off-site borrow materials for use in dam construction; seepage, slope stability and deformation analysis for all loading conditions; final design of the dam template, including special filter and drain zones; design for penetrations through the dam; and geotechnical monitoring instrumentation design. Dr. Miller has substantial experience in facilitation of potential failure modes analysis workshops for embankment dams, and has served on several peer review boards for dam design and construction projects. She is active in dam safety professional organizations, having served two terms on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Society on Dams (USSD) and has been an active member of several technical working committees of both USSD and the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO).
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
This is an ON-DEMAND version of the August 11, 2015 live webinar. Participants of this webinar will gain greater knowledge of acceptable construction practices, understand the consequences of out of spec work, and better understand how to evaluate the inspect critical work tasks during dam construction.
The implementation of a successful dam design is predicated on the construction contractor using acceptable construction means and methods when performing the work and the quality control staff performing timely and through inspections. There are many critical work items associated with dam construction which, if not performed correctly, will lead to poor performance, reduced service life, and contribute to potential failure modes.
This webinar will present some proper and improper construction techniques that are often encountered during dam construction that are crucial to a successful project including, engineered fill placement, internal drains systems, reinforced concrete structures, RCC placement, control of water, and foundation preparation. Participants of this webinar will gain greater knowledge of acceptable construction practices, understand the consequences of out of spec work, and better understand how to evaluate the inspect critical work tasks during dam construction.
Randall P. Bass, P.E.
Principal, Schnabel Engineering
Schnabel Engineering, LLC.
Randy Bass is a professional engineer and a graduate of Georgia Tech with BCE (1972) and MCE (1977) degrees. His career in dam engineering started in 1978 when he worked for seven years with the Georgia Safe Dams Program, managing the program from 1980 to 1985. He worked for Dames and Moore, where he developed a unit that constructed the first two RCC gravity dams in Georgia. He then worked as the water resources engineer for the Portland Cement Association for six years prior to joining Schnabel Engineering in 2004. Randy is a senior consultant with Schnabel.